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HOIP allows extensions to be tied to an ALLSTAR connection to allow others to dial in and use the ALLSTAR link.

Note that this does not enable Autopatch from the ALLSTAR connection. This is a one way connection from HOIP to your ALLSTAR system, basically a reverse autopatch if you will.

All ALLSTAR-Link Extensions will be in the format of 15XXX, 25XXX or 35000.

Creating an ALLSTAR Connection

To create a connection , you first need to have a properly configured AllStar Node. Asterisk is needed to connect to the HOIP system as the HOIP system is based on Asterisk (FreePBX is the GUI front End to Asterisk) as well. There is plenty of documentation online on configuring an Allstar Node, so that is outside the scope of this document.

It is recommended, but not required, that you configure a private node on your AllStar Node when configuring the node to have the phone connection tie to. This will allow you to disconnect the phone connection from your AllStar node in case there is a problem.

Also, we ask that you check to make sure your PTT command is setup to be *99 and release to be # in your rpt.conf file if you do not already have this setup. This will make sure that once someone dials in that they do not cause interference or problems on accident. This will also make all PTT commands uniform for the system. This should be already set by default, but if you made changes at some point, this may have been changed.

On your Allstar Node

You will need to edit the iax.conf and extensions.conf files.

In your iax.conf you will need to configure a stanza similar to this:

secret=<choose a password> 

In your extensions.conf you need to configure a stanza similar to below.

  • Note: you need to change the node numbers shown below to the node that you are having the connection dial into. So, if you configured a private node and if, for example, that node number is 1999, then you would use 1999 in place of 47374 below:
exten => 47374,1,answer()
exten => 47374,n,Playback(rpt/node) 
exten => 47374,n,Playback(digits/4)
exten => 47374,n,Playback(digits/7)
exten => 47374,n,Playback(digits/3)
exten => 47374,n,Playback(digits/7)
exten => 47374,n,Playback(digits/4)
exten => 47374,n,Playback(rpt/connected)
exten => 47374,n,Set(CALLSIGN=HOIP-${CALLERID(name)})
exten => 47374,n,rpt(47374|P|${CALLSIGN}) 
exten => 47374,n,rpt,47374|P

Please be sure you have an FQDN for your network. If you don't know what an FQDN is, please google it. NO IP ADDRESS WILL BE ACCEPTED, as they can change dynamically.

Please use an IAX client and test your credentials that you used for HOIP from outside of your network to ensure connectivity.

Connecting to Ham's Over IP

Once you have your node configured, you will need to request an ALLSTAR-Link Extension on the HOIP system through the HOIP ticketing system.

  • Go to and click "Request a Line".
  • If you have an account, sign in and then select Open a New Ticket.
  • If you do not have an account, then just select Open a New Ticket.
  • Fill out the Contact Information Part of the Ticket.
  • Select the ALLSTAR-Link Request Help Topic.
  • Just note in the Issue Summary part that this is a request for a ALLSTAR-Link
  • You will need to make sure to include an IAX2 Dial string that includes the stanza information you setup for your node’s connections in the details part of the Issue Summary box. Make sure to modify this example IAX Dial String to match your system correctly.
  • The IAX2 Dial String is formatted like this: IAX2/username:password@fqdn:port/node-number
  • So for an example: IAX2/username:password@fqdn:4569/1999
  • This is the most important part. Without this, we are not able to connect to your system.

  • Finally fill out the rest of the requested information in the ALLSTAR-Link Request area.

Once your extension is provisioned, you will be emailed with your extension number (which will be the next sequential number in the list) to test and make sure that you can connect to your node.

Last Updated: 2024-06-01 Dave M7TLB